B&T At B&T Police & Military Day 2015

Nathaniel F
by Nathaniel F

TFB friend Lionel attended the recent B&T Police & Military Day 2015 event, and covered some of the products exhibited there. The host, Swiss company B&T (formerly Brügger & Thomet AG), of course brought a large number of products to show off. Lionel writes:

Brugger & Thomet company the more weapons it produces, it is known worldwide for the quality of these accessories. So she has accessories for the most common weapons (HK MP5, M4 / M16, HK 416, SIG, B & T TP 9, B & T GL 06, AK 47, AK 74, M2, Minimi, etc … In addition the Swiss firm is recognized for the quality of its moderator [suppressors].

B&T makes a wide range of rails and other accessories.
B&T-augmented weapons, including an M4-style AR-15, MP5, AKS-74, and Minimi. B&T's very short suppressors have been mounted on the guns' muzzles.
The rifle is marked "M4 Carbine", but doesn't feature the familiar Colt or FN markings, and appears to sport B&T's logo instead.

Thanks, Lionel!

Nathaniel F
Nathaniel F

Nathaniel is a history enthusiast and firearms hobbyist whose primary interest lies in military small arms technological developments beginning with the smokeless powder era. He can be reached via email at nathaniel.f@staff.thefirearmblog.com.

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3 of 14 comments
  • Aaron Aaron on Sep 08, 2015

    I would like to see how that stock works on that MP5. Looks retractable but i imagine it is a side folder?

    • F.k. F.k. on Sep 08, 2015

      @Aaron That stock swings to the right. It is somewhat retractable but only small distances. It is purpos build for SWAT Helmets with the balsitic shield. Those are often used in europe. Close to a half inch thick it can withstand 9mm bullets but a regular stock PDW can not be shouldered any more.
      I was there to and iam living close to B+T factory.

  • BombSmallTownTraitors BombSmallTownTraitors on Sep 08, 2015

    "Q: What is the difference between SAAMI and CIP?
    A: CIP (Permanent International Commission for Firearms Testing) is
    the standard used in Europe by 14 countries and accepted by many
    nations worldwide. SAAMI (Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers’
    Institute) is used in the United States. There are technical
    differences on how ammunition is tested."

    You know I think we wouldn't ammo problems in our BCWs if we used an international standard rather then SAAMI. A privately owned manufacture can skewer results with some back door deals.
