SlowMo Galore in FireClean Testing

Nathan S
by Nathan S

While the test is certainly only covering only a single facet of what makes lubricant preform in the field (how much carbon debris comes out of the gun versus stays in it), its still fascinating to watch the ultra-slow motion of a Beretta M9 and AR-15 shooting in good light. Larry Vickers spends time with the brothers who created FireClean (who he does endorse).

I’m still sticking by CLP (I am dogmatic in my respect for it after time in Corps), but that does not mean I do not appreciate the abilities of other cleaners. Personally, I would like to see longer-term (and higher round count) testing than looking at only a single facet, but chatter from other writers and companies I work with indicates FireClean is not BS.

Nathan S
Nathan S

One of TFB's resident Jarheads, Nathan now works within the firearms industry. A consecutive Marine rifle and pistol expert, he enjoys local 3-gun, NFA, gunsmithing, MSR's, & high-speed gear. Nathan has traveled to over 30 countries working with US DoD & foreign MoDs.The above post is my opinion and does not reflect the views of any company or organization.

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2 of 36 comments
  • Jim Jones Jim Jones on Aug 28, 2015

    Bro, do you even science? Is this what passes as scientific evidence nowadays? Good god, it's fine by me if you want to pump your sponsors, but for the love of god, please don't pass this shit as any kind of "evidence" of anything.

  • BrandonAKsALot BrandonAKsALot on Aug 28, 2015

    Am I the only one that feels that too much emphasis is placed on minute differences in these products as opposed to just making people understand that you should just take the time to keep your firearms up? I use whatever I have on hand. WD-40 as a solvent usually, Frog grease and whatever oil I have for lube at the moment. I clean my guns and take the 60 seconds to wipe down the ones I don't shoot often every 4-6 months. I just like the Frog products because it cuts down on the toxic crap I'm exposed to and it works pretty well.
