Ares Armor CEO Fires Founder

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

DRAMA! Bryce Stirlen, CEO of Ares Armor sent out an email newsletter announcing that he had fired the founder of the company Dimitri Karras. Stirlen wrote …

It is with heavy hearts in Ares Armor Inc. that we announce the forced termination of Founder Dimitri Karras for breach of duty as an employee of this firm.

Mr. Karras had been on paid administrative leave since March 2015 for highly unprofessional behavior against members of the management team, staff, and others. Most recently, he launched a series of disruptive and disrespectful public attacks against the CEO, and the company. Furthermore, the uncovering of serious financial discrepancies connected to his selling the company only served to complicate matters.

Mr. Karras repeatedly took advantage of the incredible patience and generosity of new owner and CEO, Bryce Stirlen. “We as an organization simply cannot allow him to continue this type of behavior against the company and people who supported him,” said Stirlen. “Mr. Karras has a very well-documented history. As one the of the company directors said in a management conference call, ‘sometimes to grow a bigger and better garden you just have to root out the weeds.’ Regardless, we still wish Dimitri the best of luck in his future endeavors.”

Honestly I know know why bother putting “we still wish Dimitri the best of luck in his future endeavors” after referring to him in the previous sentence as a “garden weed”. I don’t know what prompted this email, maybe some of our readers can let us know in the comments.

UPDATE: Dimitri Karras response is here.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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4 of 22 comments
  • Vitsaus Vitsaus on Jul 07, 2015

    We haven't seen the last of Karras. He needs about the same amount of attention that Kim Kardashian does, so give it a week and he'll have a new stunt ready to get the tin foil hat crowd salivating again.

    • See 1 previous
    • Cymond Cymond on Jul 08, 2015

      @ I tend to agree with Karras' views, but not his methods. His antics always seemed to be poking the bear, and the bear is already hungry and in a bad mood. It always seemed like a good way to get mauled and eaten.
      To me, his approach sorta reminds me of Leonard Embody.

  • Squirreltakular Squirreltakular on Jul 07, 2015

    I don't know this Bryce guy, but I do know Dimitri personally. He's a good guy. A large part of Ares Armor's business came from the fact that they were run by combat vets with principles and drive. Now? They're going to be hemmoraging customers. One look at the comments on their Facebook page will show you that people are not happy.
