New Ruger Redhawk in .45 Colt/.45 ACP

Richard Johnson
by Richard Johnson

Ruger annoucned a new Redhawk revolver that is chambered in .45 Colt, but will also shoot .45 ACP. To make this possible, the revolver has a cylinder that is recessed so it will accept full moon clips for .45 ACP ammunition. According to Ruger the .45 Colt cartridges headspace off of the back of the cylinder. The .45 ACP headspace off of the moon clips in the recessed area of the cylinder..

Specifications and Features:

  • 4.2″ barrel
  • 6-round capacity
  • 44.0 ounces
  • satin stainless finish
  • hardwood grips
  • adjustable rear sight
  • ramp front sight with bright red insert
  • MSRP $1,029

For more information, and to see the gun in action, watch the video Ruger put together below:

Richard Johnson
Richard Johnson

An advocate of gun proliferation zones, Richard is a long time shooter, former cop and internet entrepreneur. Among the many places he calls home is

More by Richard Johnson

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3 of 32 comments
  • Dayattherange Dayattherange on Jun 17, 2015

    I emailed Ruger and called them about this idea almost 6 months ago. With nothing on the horizon I decided to do my own on the 454 Alaskan, which I have rebranded the 454 Alaskan Triple Threat. The documented conversion can be seen here

    It is more than a Triple Threat, capable of firing all of the ammunition below. But you have to admit Tripe Threat as a certain ring to it.


    45S&W Schofield




    • Daniel E. Watters Daniel E. Watters on Jun 19, 2015

      @Dayattherange FWIW: It would also be able to handle .45 GAP, .45 Super, .450 SMC, .451 Detonics, and .460 Rowland.

  • RM1 RM1 on Jun 28, 2015

    Ordered one today (June 28th) to pair up with a new Henry Wisconsin steel frame Big boy in 45Colt I picked up yesterday. Should make a great hog and deer set up for here in East Texas. Might even make the revolver my open carry gun after the first of the year.
