India May Scrap Rifle Competition

Nathaniel F
by Nathaniel F

India’s rifle competition may be on the verge of cancellation. From Jane’s:

India’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) is likely to scrap its 2011 tender for 66,000 multi-calibre assault rifles after four overseas vendors failed to meet the Indian Army’s qualitative requirements (QRs) in user trials that concluded in October 2014, official sources said.

The Czech Republic’s Czeca CZ 805 BREN, Italy’s Beretta ARX 160, the Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) ACE 1 (a variant of the company’s ACR rifle), and the United States’ Colt Combat Rifle (a M16A1 specially configured for the Indian contract) are competing for the INR48.50 billion (USD782.25 million) deal.

The contract cost includes reflex, day- and night-sights, and laser designators.

Jane’s has made a couple of errors in their reporting. The Colt Combat Rifle is not an M16A1, but rather most likely a Colt Advanced Carbine or similar derivative of the Colt line. Likewise, the ACE 1 is not a derivative of an ACR, that is probably a typo.

The Indian military must find a replacement for its INSAS rifles soon – already many have been replaced by vintage (but serviceable) AKM rifles in critical areas. It’s unclear whether India will proceed with their MCIWS rifle project if this competition is cancelled, or some other indigenous development.

Nathaniel F
Nathaniel F

Nathaniel is a history enthusiast and firearms hobbyist whose primary interest lies in military small arms technological developments beginning with the smokeless powder era. He can be reached via email at

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2 of 65 comments
  • LCON LCON on Jun 02, 2015

    I have said it before, I'll Say it again There Elites already use licensed IWI Tavors might as well just as well go whole hog.

  • Fegelein Fegelein on Jun 07, 2015

    Wow, India, you really are learning from America on how to make sure you always get exactly what you want.
