The Wonderful Czech Vz. 52 Rifle

Nathaniel F
by Nathaniel F

Previously here at TFB we discussed a well-designed and well-manufactured Czech rifle that made a big difference in the early history of selfloading rifles, the ZH-29. Tim of the Military Arms Channel discusses another Czech rifle that was a particular example of good engineering and sound implementation, the Czech Vz. 52:

During the period of rifle development from about 1940 to the 1950s, rifle designs are characterized in retrospect by a confusing degree of conservatism and reticence to fully embrace the assault rifle concept. There were many reasons for this, but a major one is the fact that generally speaking infantry rifle designs will no be adopted if they do not meet military requirements, regardless of whether those requirements were written with advancements in technology and tactics in mind. Indeed, requirements often are colored heavily by conservatism, and are slow to change. This effect is highly evident in the design of the Vz. 52 rifle, which combines the conservative features of low sight height, conventional stocking, small magazine capacity, a fixed single-purpose bayonet, and stripper clip loading, and advanced design concepts like short overall length, an intermediate rifle round, and detachable magazines, synthesized via clever operating mechanics and sound construction.

Nathaniel F
Nathaniel F

Nathaniel is a history enthusiast and firearms hobbyist whose primary interest lies in military small arms technological developments beginning with the smokeless powder era. He can be reached via email at

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  • Rogertc1 Rogertc1 on May 16, 2015

    I have one however the ammo is almost impossible to get. Thus they are not that expensive. Some imported by CIA years ago has a black truck bed like coating on the stock. They are unique.

  • JCitizen JCitizen on May 16, 2015

    I fell in love with this design long ago, mainly because at the time when they first hit the US market, the older longer Czech ammo was available. However corrosive surplus wasn't a known thing to some of us then, and I didn't like corrosive ammo, so like a dummy I didn't buy it at the unbelievably cheap prices back then. Ironically I shoot corrosive all the time now, and regret my indecision of the past. I'm afraid I'll never own one now.
