Russian Anti Terror Squads

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

RT (Russia Today) posted this on their Facebook page. It shows Russian soldiers fighting Islamic Terrorists. WARNING: There is some graphic content. Images of dead terrorists are in this video.

There are some interesting weapons being used in this video. But I do not recognize them. Can our readers help ID these weapons?

This looks like an AK but what is that thing attached to the barrel?

Some type of grenade launcher.

What machine gun is this?

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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2 of 57 comments
  • Phillip Cooper Phillip Cooper on Apr 08, 2015

    Last pic, the unindentified machine gun, reminds me a good bit of a Minime....

  • Brainy37 Brainy37 on Apr 14, 2015

    Why the hell is everyone still shooting after they put so many grenades into the apartment? I mean DAMN that was a lot of grenades. Those apartments are mostly wood and single layer brick. That PKP would have zinged though it like butter as well. Talk about overkill! I guess I shouldn't be surprised. They did after all bring in and fire a T-72 several times and RPG-26's during the Beslan school hostage crisis.
