X Products Can Cannon Net Launcher and Grappling Hook Prototypes
The folks over at X Products posted a sneak peak on their Facebook page of something they’ve been working on, a Net Launcher attachment for their popular Can Cannon.
They also posted a picture of a grappling hook prototype on their Instagram page a few weeks back that they’re actually planning to release in a few months. Was X Products recently bought out by Wayne Enterprises and tasked to make new gadgets for Batman?
Not the finished product but close to what the production grappling hook should look like for the Can Cannon. Here’s some details, made entirely from billet aluminum. Smallest wall thickness is .25″, Weight (estimated through solid works) 12 oz, arms are spring loaded with pressure activated cam locking system, 4 Hooks, total surface expansion with extended hooks 11″. It will fit beneath the surface of the tube. Trajectory, with M200 blanks: 100 yards without a rope, 40 yard horizontal, and 25 yards vertical with rope attached. We will have more information once we test higher pressure loads and get final results….#batmanwatchout estimated availability: 10-13 weeks
Long time gun enthusiast, Sci-Fi nerd, Whiskey drinker, online marketer and blogger. My daily firearms musings can be found over at my gun blog ArmoryBlog.com and Instagram.Shoot me an email at ray.i@staff.thefirearmblog.com
More by Ray I.
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Hopefully they add "potato-launcher adapter" in the future. lol
Durn. I was hoping I could finally build a water cooled AR.