Mil vs. MOA – A Realistic Break-Down by Precision Rifle Blog

Nathan S
by Nathan S

While I am not a typical precision rifle shooter, I do occasionally go out and reach to the long ranges with a good bolt gun. Like many today, I was once confused on the two major systems for scope reticles that populate the market: Milliradians and Minutes-of-Angle.

Precision Rifle Blog has an excellent write-up of the two systems and their function. They focus on the factual differences, rather than get emotionally attached to one system or another.

For those looking for the nickel-tour, the summary is below. I personally recommend that all shooters follow the last bullet point.

  • 1/4 MOA adjustments are slightly more precise than 1/10 MIL
  • MIL values are slightly easier to communicate
  • If you think in yards/inches the math for range estimation is easier with MOA. If you think in meters/cm the math is easier with MIL.
  • If you have a friend that is already using one, there is some advantage to being on the same system.
  • Around 90% of the pros use MIL
  • More product options in MIL
  • Whatever you decide, go with matching turret/reticle (i.e. MIL/MIL or MOA/MOA)
Nathan S
Nathan S

One of TFB's resident Jarheads, Nathan now works within the firearms industry. A consecutive Marine rifle and pistol expert, he enjoys local 3-gun, NFA, gunsmithing, MSR's, & high-speed gear. Nathan has traveled to over 30 countries working with US DoD & foreign MoDs.The above post is my opinion and does not reflect the views of any company or organization.

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  • JNZ JNZ on Mar 31, 2015

    MIL values are slightly easier to communicate

    Can not be overstated. It's a TON easier to talk to your spotter/shooter and say "Nine point Eight" than it is "Twenty Two and Three Quarters" for the exact same shot.

    Or likewise if I need to make an adjustment, in MILS 9.8 + 6 is 10.4, easy. But 5.75 + 6 is um, 7.5 wait, no, 7.25, much harder unless you maybe cook a ton and are used to working in 1/4 increments.

  • Underoverlay Underoverlay on Apr 01, 2015

    We just zero our rifles at MPBR and never touch the turrets again...

    • See 1 previous
    • Underoverlay Underoverlay on Apr 01, 2015

      @JNZ Exactly my point.

      I've never had an opportunity to take a shot beyond the MPBR of a .243.
