Bulletproof Wall Goes Balls Deep

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

SAAB, yes the Swedish Auto Manufacturer, has a defense division called SAAB Barracuda that develops things like this bullet proof wall. Here is their website.

The “Soft Armour” uses Lemonhead candy sized ceramic balls as the bullet proof medium. It sort of works like sandbags on steroids By up scaling sand medium to ceramic balls, the medium does not spill out like sand can out of punctured sand bags.

According to their website:

With a weight of 180 kg/m² and a thickness of 120 mm, the system protects against bursts of 7.62*51 AP ammunition (equivalent to STANAG level III).

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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3 of 37 comments
  • HLS30 HLS30 on Feb 04, 2015

    I just want to know what 5.56 they're using in the demo first is...

    • Ripley Ripley on Feb 06, 2015

      @HLS30 The swedish armed forces uses standard NATO SS109 62gr steel/lead core FMJ. Even though there is a shift now to a lead free version with all steel core.

  • Jeremy David Thomson Jeremy David Thomson on Feb 04, 2015

    What is a Lemonhead and how big is it? 1cm, thanks wikipedia.
