Russia Legalizes "Self-Defense" as Valid Reason for Gun Permit

Nathaniel F
by Nathaniel F

Russia has clarified some of its rules regarding firearms licensees – added to the list of valid reasons for carrying a weapon this week was “self-defense”, a purpose not widely recognized in some other European countries. From Russia Today:

In an amendment to its tough gun control laws, the Russian government eases restrictions, allowing citizens to carry licensed weapons for the purposes of ‘self-defense.’

Until now Russian gun enthusiasts were only permitted to carry firearms for hunting or target shooting after obtaining a license through the Interior Ministry. Russian gun licenses are to be renewed every five years, and applicants face strict background checks and are required to take gun safety courses.

The addendum to the law now lists self-defense as a legally acceptable reason for carrying a weapon.

However, a 2011 Levada poll found that 81 percent of Russians opposed easing the existing gun regulations.

In spite of its restrictive gun laws, Russia has seen its share gun violence. In 2012, a 30 year old lawyer opened fire on his colleagues at a pharmaceutical company, killing six. Just last year, 15-year-old straight A student, Sergey Gordeyev, killed a teacher and a police officer after taking 29 students hostage.

The government’s press service underscored that carrying a weapon will remain prohibited at educational institutions, establishments which operate at night and serve alcohol, and mass public gatherings such as street demonstrations or protests. The legislation also forbids carrying a weapon while under the influence of alcohol.

The law broadly defines self-defense weapons, including smoothbore long barrelled guns, pistols, revolvers, and other firearms, as well as Tasers, and devices equipped with teargas. Long barrelled fire arms and edged weapons are, however, forbidden by the law.

Self-defense has been officially recognized as a constitutionally protected use of firearms in the United States at the federal level since the 2008 Heller vs. D.C. Supreme Court decision. In Russia, anyone seeking to buy a firearm must get a license, and some kinds of weapons – including handguns – are illegal entirely. It’s my understanding that this change only straightens out two parts of the law that are not in agreement with each other, and makes it legitimate to get a firearms permit for self-defense. However, multiple articles make it unclear exactly what change took place, so perhaps our Russian speaking readers can assist in understanding exactly what will and will not change for Russian firearms enthusiasts.

H/T, WeaponsMan.

Nathaniel F
Nathaniel F

Nathaniel is a history enthusiast and firearms hobbyist whose primary interest lies in military small arms technological developments beginning with the smokeless powder era. He can be reached via email at

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2 of 42 comments
  • Noguncontrol Noguncontrol on Nov 25, 2014

    if Russia was smart, they would adopt America's 2nd amendment and ban abortion, both of which would solve many of Russia's problems, including the chechen jihadists, and more Russians with guns means more well armed volunteers for the uprising in Ukraine, let them spend their own money for their own guns, that's one way to save money.

  • Petr Onderka Petr Onderka on Nov 27, 2014

    In the Czech Republic concealed carry weapons are legal and regular of 24 years (after the "Velvet revolution")
