Jaco Western homebuilt pistol spotted in India

by ImproGuns

A number of factories raided by police near the Uttar Pradesh/Haryana boarder in India appear to have been producing copies of the Jaco Western pistol, a popular DIY design published in 1972 and sold via mail order in the USA.

Many more Indian homemade pistols can be seen in a previous article posted here.


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  • Iksnilol Iksnilol on Nov 12, 2014

    I have always been interested in the Jaco design. One thing I wondered is would it be problematic to scale it up (+ a stock and long barrel) to 12 gauge and make a shotgun out of it?

    That and making it doublebarreled is something I am interested.

    • See 14 previous
    • Tassiebush Tassiebush on Nov 16, 2014

      @iksnilol That sounds awesome! Min length here is about 27 inches. There are some Remington 7615 and 7600 pumps as well as .22lr Winchesters, Remington, Taurus, Rossi and henry but centrefire pumps aren't so popular down here. Seem to be more popular on mainland going by magazine ads. Lever actions filled the void left by semi autos much more than pump actions. I have a .22lr pump carbine that I use for wallaby. Very handy and fun plinker that slamfires if you hold trigger down which is fun. Good for taking along cutting firewood just for opportunistic hunting. I'd have a pistol for that if they were legal for hunting but it's closest thing. With shotguns semi and pump are restricted to farmers who can prove genuine need for crop protection. They can get rimfire semi on same basis. Have to prove other action types wouldn't suffice though. Hunters pretty much only have double barrels or if you can find it a Mossberg bolt action. Lever action shotguns have been available but appallingly unreliable.

  • Bubba Bubba on Nov 12, 2014

    Am I the only one that would love to own one of these in .38 special?
    It would be pretty fukkin awesome with a can on the end of it.
    Real assassin-tier shit.
