Weekend Photo: Keser Revenge-14M

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

Gvass sent us a photo of his Hungarian Keserű Revenge-14M 5-shot revolver. It fires 15 mm rubber bullets using .380 R (rimmed) blank cartridges. The rubber bullets are loaded into the front of the cylinder and the blanks are loaded into the rear. This type of gun is popular in a number of Eastern European countries where they are legal to carry but lethal firearms are not.

The Revenge-14M is demonstrated in the below video …

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Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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13 of 67 comments
  • Alex Nicolin Alex Nicolin on Oct 20, 2014

    Rubber bullet pistols are the only "weapon" civilians can own and carry in Romania. Most popular cartridge is 9 mm rubber (actually .32 ACP loaded with a compressed rubber ball) shot in modified blowback semiautos. The barrel is actually squeezed down to about 5 mm to give the round enough pressure to cycle the action so the rubber ball is actually squeezed down to about 1/2 of its diameter before it leaves the barrel. Most of those guns could be converted to .32 ACP with only a barrel and spring swap, which would be illegal and carry heavy penalties, but ammo would be extremely hard to come by - one can only buy ammo legally in limited quantities, based on the gun permit, and reloading components are illegal to own, unless you're a registered armorer.

    • See 2 previous
    • Kovacs Jeno Kovacs Jeno on Oct 21, 2014

      @Alex Nicolin NO. 9 mm PA Rubber is the most common semiauto NONrimmed cartridge.
      There are others like .45 Rubber, 10x22 T, 10x28 Traumatic etc.

      PA = Pistol Automatic

  • JRJ21 JRJ21 on Oct 21, 2014

    What a bizarro world,these are get you killed non guns.Do you think an isis terrorist will die laughing?It's your head Europe.All politicians and these phony gun makers should be imprisoned for pushing this crap.Imagine Churchill with his cigar holding a rubber shooting gun,we would all be lampshades.

    • See 7 previous
    • JRJ21 JRJ21 on Oct 23, 2014

      @Kovacs Jeno My clue is that we actually vote for people who bring real freedom to our gun rights.I put my 357.sig on every morning and Get a clue is MY LINE,as is ARE YOU IN A COMA?Quit voting for socialist,There's a clue.
