Saab's Latest Recoilless Rifle
Nicholas C
(IC: employee)
Published: October 17th, 2014
I thought they just made jets and discontinued automobiles. Saab Defense just unveiled their updated Carl Gustaf 84mm weapon system at AUSA 2014. It is called the M4 Multipurpose Weapon. It is to replace the more commonly known M3 Multi-role Anti-armor Anti-tank Weapon System (MAAWS). The M4 will be known as the M3A1 MAAWS.
According to Kit Up!, the new M3A1 will be lighter at only 15 lbs compared to its predecessor the M2 weighing in at 22 lbs. The M3A1 saves weight due to a titanium liner and carbon fiber wrapping. They also shaved off about 3 inches n OAL.
Nicholas C
More by Nicholas C
Published October 17th, 2014 6:15 AM
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I wonder if they still have a place for the new M4 for a round like the Heat from the M2 which is pretty much a similar round as the RPG
The MAAWS is such a versatile weapon that I think it's close to be a swiss knife in the rocket / recoilless launchers in history the only thing that the RPG 7 do possess and that Carl G doesn't have is the thermobaric round. I'm no weapon's expert BTW but I got good documentation about the Carl G (M2 and M3 respectively) and RPG 7 that are useful at least to know about the characteristics even if they aren't up to date though.
Carl G M2 have the same but it had this one
FFV597 Heat round which is like an RPG equivalent with front placed visible warhead which isn't made anymore and haven't been improved since the M3 and now M4
Also I don't know the rounds that were available at the M1 and M2 era even if I believe some like HEDP, Smoke, illumination and the airburst ones were certainly avaiable
Carl G M3 got many
HEAT 655 CS Heat round for confined spaces
Heat 751 Tandem Warhead against reactive armour
MT 756 Multi target
ASM 509 Anti Structure, I believe it's like the SMAW anti bunker round
HEDP 502 Dual purpose round
HE 441D which is Airburst Fragmentation
ADM 401 which is a flechette round just like a giant shotgun
Smoke 469 for creating smoke screens obviously
Illum 445 which allows the illumination of the battlefield at night
RPG 7 have its whole lot too
-PG7V which is very light Heat round
-PG7VL which is the big Heat round
-PG7VR which is the Tandem round
-TBG7V which is the Thermobaric Round
-OG7V which is the anti infantry 40mm rocket
I don't put Training Rounds here because they don't count and also because I only have Carl G ones
Will us Texas CHL holders be allowed to OC them?