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Polenar Tactical
Nicholas C
(IC: employee)
Published: September 16th, 2014
Here is a group of firearm enthusiasts in Slovenia and across Europe. They promote responsible firearm ownership and exercise their freedoms. They love to film their shoots.
Here is a video of an assault wearing PenCott Greenzone Camo. Armed with two VZ-58s, one AK and an AR.
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For more info, check out their website.
Nicholas C
More by Nicholas C
Published September 16th, 2014 6:00 AM
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I typically hate videos like this. You know overproduced, dramatic music, dramatic everything, operator as freakin' forkin' fuck, etc.
But this. This was pure awesome from the highest peak of Mount BAMFery. I can't even tell you why, but it just is. Made me smile in a good way for sure. I'd like to see more of these gentlemen for sure.
Great to see these guys working the gun so well in a team, and in parts of the world that tend frown on such exuberant exercise of awesomeness!