Bump Fire Systems Stock Now Available
For those looking at getting into a bump fire stock, and not looking to spend the $260+ to get a Slide Fire stock there is a alternative that is now available for $99. From Bump Fire Systems the stock is polymer and as the same features that you see in most stocks now with an “on/off” selector that locks into the buffer tube and trigger finger rest.
Currently it is only available for the AR platform and for right handed shooters. An AK variation is also in the works, but not available as of this writing. Here is a marketing video, from them showing the function of the stock. You can also check out their site here: http://www.bumpfiresystems.com/
Look for a full review of one coming up soon as I just received one for testing and look forward to getting on a rifle in the next couple of weeks.
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They should have had someone who actually knows how to hold an AR in a combat assault stance demonstrating the device. But I guess hotties sell stuff.
And therein lies the problem with full-auto fire (or pseudo full-auto fire), the vast majority of shooters, who think themselves Rambos, don't know how to effectively use or control full-auto fire. Though I've trained on Class III 5.56 weaponry to be able to put most full-auto rounds on center-of-mass out to 50 and sometimes 75 meters, I think the most difficult thing to teach the wannabees is full-auto fire discipline.
But, hey, it's a good way to burn through ones precious stock of 5.56 in a Zombie Apocalypse or EMP/Grid down scenario if that hasn't crossed the average shooters/patriots' mind.
BTW, our shooting club (for good reasons) banned bumpfire devices so good luck shooting them at the ol' farm with all the muzzle climb.
Looks like you might want to hurry and get one. Appears there is an impending suit.