Egyptian Police buy 130,000 CZ Pistols; Mexican Federal Police Purchase CZ Rifles and Pistols
According to IHNED.CZ the Egyptian Police increased the number of pistols they ordered from Česká Zbrojovka and are now purchasing 130,000 pistols. CZ is expecting to produce a record 250,000 firearms this year and has had to bring on additional staff to handle the increased volume. When we reported on the Egyptian CZ order last year, they had ‘only’ committed to buy 50,000 pistols along with a small number of CZ Scorpion EVO III submachine guns and CZ-805 Bren rifles.
Lubomír Kovařík, the Česká Zbrojovka CEO, also announced that the Mexican Federal Police have ordered 2,600 CZ 805 Bren rifles and 5,000 CZ P-09 9mm pistols. The deal is worth 180 million Czech Koruna ($8,933,236 USD). Kovarik has also confirmed that CZ will be competing with other manufacturers in Europe and the USA for the contract to supply to next French service rifle.
Thanks to Robert for the tip.
I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!
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Too bad they never got the FAMAS to work right. The lever delayed action allows the potential of better accuracy than roller delayed, and I just love the sound the action makes when firing suppressed.
As much as I like CZ firearms, I can't help but notice that the Bren 805 is pretty heavy for a ~8 lbs unloaded without accessories... many of its contemporaries are in the 6-7 lb range (M4, G36C, MTAR-21)