Nutnfancy SCAR 17S Review

Nicholas C
by Nicholas C

Nutnfancy finally does a table top review of my favorite gun, the SCAR 17S. Nothing really surprising to a SCAR 17S owner, the gun is accurate, not too heavy and costs a bit. However it is worth the money spent.

Nicholas C
Nicholas C

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  • Danny Gonzalez Danny Gonzalez on Jun 18, 2014

    I am amazed at how many of TFB readers have just gone full-retard with the nutnfancy hate AGAIN. I have continue to watch most of the popular youtube gun channels from sooch hickock45 iraqveteran8888 MAC weaponseducation and many others and I continue to like Nutnfancy the best because of the comprehensiveness of his reviews.

    not only does he analyze aspects of gun ownership and purchasing decisions that other reviewers gloss over too quickly but he zeroes in and goes in depth into some of the critical ones that SHOULD matter to someone doing research to make a purchase even if they haven't thought about it yet.

    value, size and weight, reliability, accuracy, accessories, intended usage, all of these and more factors are covered in depth because he gives his viewers the benefit of the doubt that they will consider these things before opening up their pocket books

    I know i certainly don't have the money to throw down $2,500 on a rifle only to later find out that it's too heavy for what i wanted to do with it, or that the lack of some small feature that i deemed insignificant actually turned out to be a major headache during actual use.

    i really enjoy 44 minute long firearms reviews. if you would rather watch the bing bang theory with your 44 minutes, go for it, i would rather play nutn videos just to play in the background. I have watched some of his 40+ minute reviews 6 or 7 times... to me that's actually more entertaining. It just goes to show that he caters to a certain audience and it does exist.

    also to those who attack nutn because of his politics I have to say that I think you are the most dangerous type of person to the gun culture. I live in California and coming from a state where our 2A rights are constantly under fire, I find it really annoying when people attack those who are willing to speak up and stand strong and loud for their views especially when it comes to protecting 2A. Maybe you come from a state where your rights aren't threatened constantly and therefor you don't understand the gravity of the dangers and how very real the threat is. Politics is now and will always be inextricably tied to the question of 2nd Amendment and there is nothing that's going to change that any time soon.

    If you don't think politics matter...If you aren't angry about the level of encroachment and attacks on our 2A rights, you either aren't paying attention to what's happening, or you're just one of those people who are indifferent to the injustice as long as it doesn't effect you directly. Which is very sad IMHO.

    Just like Nutn says in all of his videos ...this is just my own opinion and my perspective formed out of my own experiences.

    • See 4 previous
    • Zack mars Zack mars on Oct 23, 2014

      @Frank Then tell me what the gun is good for, dont blabber on about what pou means

  • Squirreltactical Squirreltactical on Jun 21, 2014

    I love the footage this guy shoots, and his review criteria are always good, but everything he says in 40+ minutes could be done in 20 flat. Jesus... Still, good stuff.
