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Gun Lubricant Corrosion Tests
Nicholas C
(IC: employee)
Updated: January 7th, 2019
Almost a year ago, we posted about using protectants for steel ammo in a Texas atmosphere.
BlueonGoldZ has performed a similar test. This time using a selection of common firearm lubricants. Some of the results are truly amazing and horrifying.
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Nicholas C
More by Nicholas C
Published May 26th, 2014 3:01 AM
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A trucker hauling it in bulk,said WD-40 is kerosene. Gun oil is cheap and one quart of synthetic oil would go a long way.
WD= Water Dispersant. no oil. the only OIL I use is Lucas gun Oil. designed for the U.S. army for Machine guns. I sharpen clipper blades Knives and scissors, it works for them to. clippers slam back and forth like a machine gun. Never had a complaint from a groomer about a blade sticking. never had a gun hang up (except on a reload)also don't oil my ammo and I live in Arkansas. also don't keep ammo over a year or two. Gun of choice 45acp. hope I never HAVE to use it, but they should darn sure make a spark when they hit the turf.