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See How .22LR Ammo is Made
Nicholas C
(IC: employee)
Published: May 19th, 2014
Outdoor Channel went to CCI in Idaho to show how .22LR ammo is made. They make 4 million rounds a day. Sounds like a lot. But when you see that one pallet is only 250k rounds, then that means they only make 16 pallets a day. It isn’t that much when you start thinking of how stores are supplied across the country. A 1/4 pallet in one store, another pallet in a bigger store. It starts to add up fast. And then the demand is so high that people are still buying 22LR just to flip it and sell it so supply dwindles. But we all know this. All we can do is wait it out and hopefully demand will decrease as supply goes up.
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Nicholas C
More by Nicholas C
Published May 19th, 2014 5:01 PM
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Like others, I miss getting the Outdoor Channel. At one time it was free, then they wanted $10 month now I need $20 and it comes with a whole ton of crap I would never watch. I would happily pay for a web subscription even if the episodes are a week or two old.
no wonder there is a shortage. never realized how manual the process was for making 22. i'm pretty sure that centerfire ammo is much more automated, and therefore more lucrative.