Strike Industries UDC (Ultimate Dust Cover)

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

C Clips … what more can be said about them other than that they were obviously invented by the devil to torment us. The countless instructional Youtube videos on changing the humble AR-15 dust cover is testament to this. Fortunately for me and other C Clip haters, Strike Industries took note and have developed the UDC (Ultimate Dust Cover). This nylon polymer dust cover can be quickly attached and detached without tools in 5-10 seconds. It features a number of different designs, so if you get bored with one, you can switch it to another.

See it in action here:

The UDC is retailing for $15.95 in a number of color/design combinations.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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2 of 44 comments
  • Dp Dp on May 14, 2014

    What is actually function of dust cover? Protect mechanism from dust? Some rifles do not have it at all and are still very reliable.
    Think about it in reversed manner for second - if something (grains of send are worst) are trapped in it is better not to have dust cover at all. What gets in should be allowed to get out. But I know, this is AR..... tight inside.

  • Plisken Plisken on May 14, 2014

    Maybe if instead of "multi-cal" it said 5.56mm, 9mm, 300blk etc but instead if i plan to switch a dust cover or need one for a future build ill go with the v7 systems cover.
