VuurwapenBlog is now VuurwaffleBlog

    Andrew Tuohy announced on April Fools that our favorite hard-to-spell-the-name-of-gun-blog VuurwapenBlog is now called VuurwaffleBlog, which is just as hard to spell. Andrew is taking Excel spreadsheets and precision calipers to fast food joints instead of to the range.

    I am mentioned in the VuurwaffleBlog inaugural blog post. Yes, it is true. Andrew has a terrible diet. Why he is in good shape, or more to the point why he is neither obese nor dead, should be investigated by Genetic Biologists ASAP. His DNA may contain the cure for aging.

    I know this because Andrew and I shared a house for a brief while. This large house was sparsely furnished with far more guns than the number of furniture and cooking implements put together. Upstairs had various 1911s, a lone Glock 28 in the otherwise empty hall cupboard, AR-15 rifles littered the lounge and crates of ammunition were piled up in the dining room (this is back when ammunition was affordable). I got to observe Andrew in his natural habitat but never once observed him eating anything close to nutritious. When Andrew and I caught up earlier this year for lunch, I ordered a chicken salad, he ordered waffles.

    The food post at VuurwaffleBlog is Burger Showdown: In-N-Out Burger vs. Five Guys.

    Steve Johnson

    I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!
