Epic AR vs. AK vs. Mosin Smart-Arse Comparisons

Nathan S
by Nathan S

My thanks to reader Foghorn_Leghorn who just introduced me to EverydayNoDaysOff’s epic AR-15 vs. AK vs. Mosin thread. Those looking to waste an hour (or more depending on how much you laugh!) should peruse over to the post most ricky-tick.

My personal favorites are below (there are hundreds more on ENDO):

AR15: Such light recoil, you could put on over your balls and fire.
AK47: Recoil manageable enough for anyone to use it.
Mosin-Nagant: Recoil that registers as small tremors in the earth itself.

AR15: Clean with fancy lubes and solvents with special tools.
AK47: Clean? In Soviet Russia AK clean you!
Mosin-Nagant: Squirt some Windex down the bore. Ready for another 500 rounds tomorrow!

AR15: Goes pew pew pew
AK47: Goes pow pow pow
Mosin-Nagant: Goes BOOOOOOOM!

AR15: You are careful to keep in clean in the field.
AK47: You don’t worry so much about some dirt getting in it.
Mosin-Nagant: It still has gritty grease inside it from when the Finnish army put it into storage.

AR15: Nice useful little round.
AK47: Very functional round.
Mosin-Nagant: Anti Tank Round

AR15: High cost, high maintenance.
AK47: Low cost, low maintenance.
Mosin-Nagant: What are these cost and maintenance things you speak of?

AR15: You have a never ending list of high dollar tacticool accessories.
AK47: You have a never ending list of Chinese made tacticool accessories.
Mosin-Nagant: You have carry strap and ammo what more you need comrade?

AR15: You measure your misses by sub MOA measurements
AK47: You miss and, and aim a bit lower this time.
Mosin-Nagant: Even if you miss the shockwave of the bullet will kill the animal.

AR15: Inspired by science fiction
AK47: Inspired by a need for a reliable, selectable-fire weapon
Mosin-Nagant: Inspired by men with balls. Men with HUGE, HAIRY BALLS

Readers, what are your favorites? Have any new ones?

BTW: I still have not gotten any “User of… As Seen By’…” to my e-mail yet. This is your chance to show off your creativity!

Nathan S
Nathan S

One of TFB's resident Jarheads, Nathan now works within the firearms industry. A consecutive Marine rifle and pistol expert, he enjoys local 3-gun, NFA, gunsmithing, MSR's, & high-speed gear. Nathan has traveled to over 30 countries working with US DoD & foreign MoDs.The above post is my opinion and does not reflect the views of any company or organization.

More by Nathan S

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2 of 58 comments
  • Peter Pocket Peter Pocket on Aug 09, 2014

    Well, since that has been done to death, how about doing a polymer pistol piss-off?

    I swear by my H&K
    I swear by my M&P
    I swear by my XD
    I swear by my SR
    I swear by my FN
    I swear by my CZ
    I got a Glock. FU

  • Joshua Allen George Joshua Allen George on Sep 03, 2014

    This happens to be my favorite one:

    AR15: Inspired by science fiction
    AK47: Inspired by a need for a reliable, selectable-fire weapon
    Mosin-Nagant: Inspired by men with balls. Men with HUGE, HAIRY BALLS

    Proud owner of a M91/30 Mosin-Nagant rifle made outta Izhevsk, U.S.S.R. in 1943
    the longest grade A spear with shooting capabilities.
    Still love to shoot it, even after the damage my right shoulder socket has received. :D
