Interesting DIY M1 Carbine Stock

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson
“Kedah’s Chief of Police, Dato’ Ahmad Ibrahim shows confiscated weapons”

Since August the Royal Malaysian Police have been running ‘Ops Cantas’ (Operation Cutover), a nationwide crackdown on organized crime specifically targeting illegally acquired and manufactured firearms. This operation has included many road block around the country and raids by the Rapid Action Unit SWAT team. Last Thursday the police raided a house occupied by two men who were suspected gangsters. Among the cache of firearms they captured, which included three Colt carbines and a number of AKs, was a M1 Carbine with an interesting stock which looks better suited for a competition target .22 and out of place on an old battered M1 Carbine in the jungle.

The thumbhole stock, while quite worn, looks like it was expertly crafted. It has a high Monte Carlo comb (cheek rest) and a moulded grip. Curiously it has a picatinny scope rail that extends almost all the way to the butt. I can’t think of why they would have installed the scope rail like this. Maybe nobody had a hacksaw on hand to cut it to the correct length? The scope looks to be either an original or a clone or a Walther-branded red dot.

Thanks thanks to Azril for the information.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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3 of 15 comments
  • Brandon Brandon on Sep 10, 2013

    Looks a bit like a Walther WA2000 doesn't it?

    • John John on Sep 10, 2013

      @Brandon Are you saying that just because it has a thumbhole stock?

  • Zius Patagus Zius Patagus on Sep 10, 2013

    I'm just putting everyone on notice that I just invented a cheek piece that fits on a pictinny rail mounted on a rifle stock. I have the rights to it. I'm gonna be rich (add maniacal laugh)
