Shooting Star Exploding Clay Pigeon Targets
Firebird Reactive Targets Ltd. based out of Wiltshire, England makes a fun looking shooting accessory that you’d expect to see on one of the various firearm “reality” shows here in the US, not in the gun deprived United Kingdom. Their Shooting Star 65mm exploding targets attach to the back of standard clay pigeon targets using double-sided tape and works with all standard throwers, they’ll even work with automatic trap throwers. After a direct hit the Shooting Star target ignites white smoke as well as a pretty loud bang. They go for £19.95 ($30) for a pack of 20 in the UK, I did some digging but couldn’t find a source for them here in the US. They also make exploding rifle, airsoft and archery targets. You can find more info on them at
Long time gun enthusiast, Sci-Fi nerd, Whiskey drinker, online marketer and blogger. My daily firearms musings can be found over at my gun blog and Instagram.Shoot me an email at
More by Ray I.
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this would make training for clays SO much more fun
Its really a very great stuff and make more fun.
Clay Pigeon Shooting