SIG Tutanchamun, Zeus and Alexander

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

Here are three more beautiful pistols from SIG Germany’s master engravers. The first is the Tutanchamun, engraved by Jürgen Göser.

Scarab, Royal sceptre and scourge and the famous death mask of the child king Tutankh-Amun made of 24 carats gold are decorating the top of the slide of this pistol. In addition to that there are images of Echnaton, Nofretete and the gods Osiris, Isis, Horuns and Anubis on this masterpiece. The grip plates were made of ivory, showing the “Eye of Horus“.

The SIG Zeus was engraved by Peter Ewald.

Integrated in ornaments of the old Greece the godfather Zeus sitting on his throne is decorating this pistol. The sides of the frame show the popular fist of the godfather with gold plated flashes. The walnut root grip plates show original coins from the ancient Greece with the face of Zeus, around 2300 years old.

SIG forgot to give me a description of the SIG Alexander so I do not know who engraved it. Given its similarity to the SIG Zeus, I think it was probably also engraved by Peter Ewald.

Look out for more beautiful SIG pistols next week.


Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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2 of 34 comments
  • Anon Anon on Jul 01, 2013

    That standardized floral scrollwork on the Egyptian one looks really gratingly out of place, especially when Egyptian visual culture is so well-attested. Should've been stylized papyrus reed if anything.

    It looks very out of place as well on the "Zeus ", they should've just stuck with the Mycenean theme they had going there.

    This is my big gripe with engraved guns: the scrollwork is generally only produced in a few monotonous patterns with no creativity or regard to the lines of the gun. The worst examples of this are the "premium" models from big makers that just have a little panel of etching on either side.

  • Mostafa Mostafa on Jan 17, 2014

    how can i buy the zues gun
