More Chinese M99 12.7mm Anti-Material Rifles In Syria

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

C.J. Chivers encountered one a .50 cal Chinese M99 anti-material rifle in Syria and took some excellent photos of it

The rifle in question, however, is not British. It’s a Chinese M99.

Just a few days ago, with Ahfad al-Rasul (the “Grandsons of the Prophet”) on the Idlib and Hama fronts, we happened to get a close and unobstructed view of one of the siblings seen in the Reuters’ file, as the rest of the photographs show.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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4 of 8 comments
  • Bbmg Bbmg on Jun 06, 2013

    I can see these being used to take out enemies behind heavy cover in close urban combat but I doubt they have the training, ammunition or optics to use them in their intended role of taking out heavy weapons, vehicles and equipment at long range.

    The scope mount looks particularly flimsy. Just look at the flex on a much more heavy duty mount on the AS50, in the same class as the M99 and suspiciously aesthetically similar:

    I'd be very surprised the scope pictured in the article will hold its zero, or indeed that the reticle is intact.

    • Roger Mao Roger Mao on Jun 06, 2013

      @bbmg well i read some material saying that the top rail on M99 is not a standard picatinny rail. they expended the width of the 1913 rail to create a more solid mounting platform (more friction is what is said in the article). but that being said, this is a exporting "only" merchandise, and its from china.

  • NotSarcasm NotSarcasm on Jun 06, 2013

    C'mon, Syrian rebels have them and still not available in Canada?

