SAFELERT Monitoring System

Richard Johnson
by Richard Johnson

Many gun owners invest a significant sum of money into a safe to securely store their firearms and other valuables. But given enough time, any safe can be breeched and the guns stolen. The key is preventing a crook from having access to your safe long enough to defeat it.

Enter the SAFELERT. Developed by Liberty Safe, the new SAFELERT is a discreet alarm for your safe. It will notify you via e-mail or text message when the safe is moved, the door is opened, if the temperature starts getting too high or too low, or if the humidity starts to rise.

The system works on batteries (and will notify you if they get low) and connects to the internet via your home WiFi connection. Therein lies the point of failure. If thieves are breaking into your home, they might first hit your phone/cable connection which will prevent the SAFELERT from contacting you. A workaround would be to have a MiFi or similar device that connects to the internet via cell signal.

The SAFELERT is $199. Yearly monitoring charges also apply ($59.95 for one year, discounts for multiple years.)

Richard Johnson
Richard Johnson

An advocate of gun proliferation zones, Richard is a long time shooter, former cop and internet entrepreneur. Among the many places he calls home is

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4 of 14 comments
  • Mike F Di Mike F Di on May 20, 2013

    I like the PITBULL with PMS and AIDS for most safe alarms...LOL
    seriously, the more time it takes the less the baddies want to spend in your property..
    a GOOD set of HARD entry and continued hard tasks most bad guys wont takes too long, and the cops might be on scene before they can get out in time.
    failing that....OPSEC, never let anyone know where you secure you're stuff, HIDE YOUR SAFE WELL, make sure it isnt too easy to get open, or off your property.

    • See 1 previous
    • Mike F Di Mike F Di on May 23, 2013

      @Alex C. make it look like a an operating freezer...who breaks in to steal...meat

  • GlockLove GlockLove on May 20, 2013

    ohh if this was GSM this would be awesome
