Winchester PDX1 7.62×39

Richard Johnson
by Richard Johnson
Winchester PDX1

Winchester Ammunition is now making a 7.62×39 load in the PDX1 Defender line of self defense ammo. The ammunition uses a Split Core Technology bullet that attempts to combine excellent expansion with good penetration and weight retention.

The load uses a 120 grain bullet and is rated at 2365 fps at the muzzle. Winchester states the load was specially designed to work in semi-auto rifles.

Winchester PDX1 ammo
Richard Johnson
Richard Johnson

An advocate of gun proliferation zones, Richard is a long time shooter, former cop and internet entrepreneur. Among the many places he calls home is

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5 of 28 comments
  • Walter E. Kurtz Walter E. Kurtz on Apr 18, 2013

    This is terrific news. The 7.62x39 is a very efficient cartridge and it deserves some upgraded ballistic capability.

  • Derfelcadarn Derfelcadarn on Apr 18, 2013

    They can make anything they like ,but if you cannot buy any of it what is the point.

    • See 2 previous
    • Cymond Cymond on Apr 24, 2013

      @John Daniels Yes, I get that, derfelcadarn's position is that you can't buy ammo but I'm arguing that you can't buy ammo because everyone else is buying it first. Hence, I'm glad Winchester will be selling this new load. Someone will buy it, even if I never find a box.
