Shooting a WWII Soviet Steel Helmet with a SKS and a Mosin-Nagant

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

Readers of TFB wanted to see how well a Soviet WWII-era helmet would fare against weapons from around that time. They produced a video showing a soviet helmet shot at by an SKS and a Mosin-Nagant. The video is embedded below …

They concluded the helmets were worthless in WWII. I disagree with this assessment. They shot the helmet at point-blank range. At that kind of range a bayonet would not have only a couple of second behind, not long enough for the man wearing the helmet to recover his senses after that kind of shock to the head. I don’t think Soviet equipment designers were trying to prevent point-blank head shots.

The helmet did fare quite well against a point blank 7.62x39mm round. I decided to work out at what range the 7.62x54mm Russian has the same power as the 7.62x39mm does at the muzzle. I was lazy and the ballistic calculator I was using did not have a 7.62x54mm Russian programed in, so I opted to compared it with the .30-06 which is slightly more powerful than the 7.62mm Russian, but closer to the 8mm Mauser that the Soviets faced in WWII. The ballistic table I generated is below.

The helmet would protect against any .30-06 bullet fired from further than 250 yards. I think this is pretty reasonable for a pre-kevlar steel helmet.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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  • Turbokrt Turbokrt on May 07, 2013

    IT IS NOT!! russian helmet. Its our Czechoslovak helmet M53 (postwar) There is big difference between rusian helmet WW2 and our. Price of our helmet M53 is about 3-4€

  • Secundius Secundius on Sep 19, 2014

    The energy released from .30-06 is 60,200psi or 415-MPa, a 7.62x54R is 52,000psi or 360MPa and 7.62x39 is 51,490psi or 355MPa. When you compare the .30-06 vs 7.62x39, there almost 17% greater kinetic energy released from the .30-06 to that of 7.62x39. It probably would have gone through the helmet and the head.
