The Tramp (2013)

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

Dima Levanchuk emailed me about a firm he is making called The Tramp. It is about a young woman from a small town who turns into a ruthless killer after being kidnapped by human traffickers. At one point during the film she makes a crude blackpower shotgun pistol. You can see her making and firing it in the trailer …

I am really looking forward to seeing this film.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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  • RandomInterneter RandomInterneter on Sep 11, 2012

    I made a lot of stuff like this in my early teens. It's a wonder that I still have all my fingers. Also, this is scene is identical to a scene in a Russian movie called Brother 2, where the anti-hero protagonist makes a shotgun just like this, including the matchstick ignition system, and metal wire wrap.

  • RickH RickH on Sep 11, 2012

    This vid is the only thing I could find about this film, no synopsis, no nothing. Teaser trailers are supposed to give you some anticipation....I get nothing out of this. It could be a teaser for a new episode of "American Guns", "Paige goes nuts!!!".

    • Dima Levanchuk Dima Levanchuk on Sep 19, 2012

      @RickH Hey guys, thank you very much for checking out a teaser trailer for my movie! You can find more info about the movie at

      The Tramp is a low budget movie about a woman from a small town who gets kidnapped by human traffickers and has to fight her way out of the gang.

      This particular scene was inspired by my childhood in Russia, when we made a bunch of matchlock guns. This scene does have some similarities with a Russian movie Brother, but this type of a matchlock gun is the one of most popular version of the gun so it's not a surprise that the scene has similarities. But thank you for noting it! I hope it didn't spoil your interest for the movie :)

      Again, thank you for checking teaser trailer!
      Dima Levanchuk
