Steve on Handgun Hunting
A lot of people, including one major pistol manufacturer, were upset with what I wrote yesterday about handgun hunting. I would like to clarify what I meant.
This blog is read by a lot of people. I have to be careful what I do and don’t endorse, because if I endorse something, there are going to be people who will try it.
Most, if not all, guns owners in the USA own at least one pistol. The same is not true for a bows or blackpowder muzzleloaders. Also unlike a pistol, operating a muzzleloader and bow requires special skills.
Most gun owners also own a .22 LR. I would never post a video of someone hunting deer with a .22 LR. I know people who can and do hunt deer with .22 LR. I am opposed to people who do not know what they are doing shooting deer with .22 LR (legal issues aside). I am not opposed to hunting with a .22 LR by people who do know what they are doing.
Running a blog with a significant readership can be a burden. I am not responsible for the actions readers take, but do feel I need to be responsible for what I write (and what it encourages people to do).
I have absolutely no problem with people hunting with rifles, handguns, bows, shotguns, muzzleloaders, dogs or even on horseback with spears. I am one of the most pro-hunting and least anti-gun people you will ever meet.
When I said that 99.99% of pistol owners should not go hunting with a low-powered semi-automatic pistol, what I meant to say is that 99.99% of pistol owners should not head out into the woods this weekend with their carry 9mm and expect to successfully snipe medium-sized deer without first learning how to do it responsibly.
Chuck Hawks has a good article on handgun hunting.
I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!
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I am not a huge hunter myself, but I do understand the Pros and Cons to hunting with a pistol. It takes some extremely good skills to be proficient at it so the animal does not suffer. Does a person need to be a pistol champion to be able to hunt with a pistol, no. Yet the people I have seen at various gun ranges and other events shorts are rarely impressive that I would consider the majority of gun owners could make the necessary shot. I know I am a good shooter, but I do not think I would attempt to hunt with a pistol nor should average joe.
I always carry a handgun when hunting, but my main weapon is a scoped rifle.
The handgun is great when used in thick brush or thick stand of re-growth sapling where you are unlikely to be able to see more than 50 yds let alone have a shot at game!
At those distances I could see using a 10mm auto, I carry a 44mag myself though. I want something that can hit a few small branches and still drive thru a deer!