AR-15 rifles and parts out of stock

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

57Strat posted this on

I have never seen it this bad. Check out the “out of stock” situation on the below examples:
Bravo Company upper receivers. Out of stock on 10 out of 11 uppers: Link

Bravo Company complete uppers: link

LMT is 20 weeks backordered on their 16″ upper: Link

Most rifles at LMT are backordered up to 20 weeks: Link

Rainer Arms is “out of stock” on more than half of their complete upper models: Link

Noveske is “out of stock” on nearly every upper they offer: Link

Most complete uppers are “out of stock” at DSG Arms: Link

AIM “sold out” on uppers: Link

AIM “sold out” on complete upper: Link

This is just a few examples. If you check other sites you’ll find similar situations.

Expect this craziness until at least November. If the Obama wins, expect it to get worse.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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6 of 128 comments
  • G3Ken G3Ken on May 15, 2012

    Yes, it is supposed to be firearms, not politics, but sometimes the situation is intertwined. I believe this is one of them.

    I believe the problem is twofold:

    1. Too many people who should be on our (firearm owners) side, use scare tactics to jack prices to absurd levels. I have no problem with people making a little extra when demand is up, but I believe there's a bit of "artificial" scare demand at work.

    2. A second presidential term could see a preident who was gun neutral in office in term one, go for his "true" agenda in his second term. His anti-gun position is firmly established. He has not hesitated in using Executive Orders in the past, so I don't see it as an impossibility.

    That's just MHO. Sorry.

    • See 3 previous
    • Chic Chic on May 17, 2012

      @davethegreat That is not actually true. While new laws and legislation have not been proposed or implemented - new regulations have gone into effect. As an FFL 07 AND 08 - I get the new rules sent to me by BATF directly.

      Example: What has happened to the price of AK, SKS and AK parts kits - if you can find them? Way up and supply has gone way down.... why? Well several new rules (not laws) have go into effect the restricted the importation of some gun parts. Barrels, receivers etc for firearms like AK and ARs can either not be imported or it is very hard to do so. Gone (for now) are the days were an importer, like me, can go overseas and buy old, complete AK parts kits and bring them in for a reasonable price... This is beyond 922r BTW. What has happened to the price and availability of Sagias?

      What hasn't been done in law has been done with regulation - which gets little or no media attention and effects the market just the same. The number of new rules and "little" requirements that have been added - especially to the manufacture and importation of rifles is considerable has has lead to a spike in prices.

  • Whodunnit Whodunnit on Jan 27, 2013

    Only the people with lots of money will be able to afford an AR15. This to me is shameful. Patriots that are so greedy. Did I say Patriots? This is the American land of GREED and it shows, even with the so called Patriots. I hear supply and demand, and that is fine, but because of your greed you may have taken out of the hands of someone who would protect you a gun. I am for the 2nd Amendment rights, but also for FAIR PRICES. Obama must be on your side to scare the prices out of a normal mans reach. I do not respect men or women making money off the fear of OTHERS.
