Real Strike Augmented Reality iPhone App

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

The developers of the Real Strike, an “3D Augmented Reality FPS Gun App”, sent us an email asking to have their app reviewed. I was intrigued so I paid the $2.99 it cost and downloaded the app. The app displays video from the iPhone/iPod/iPad rear camera and superimposes video game style guns. It was pretty nifty, for about two minutes. I had expected an app with the words “3D”, “Augmented Reality” and “FPS” to actually allow me to interact with an augmented reality like, for example, shoot virtual targets.

Because the application is nothing more than one of the many “3d gun” apps that are prevalent in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, with the slight addition of a camera, I give it 1 star rating (out of 5 stars). If it was selling for $0.99 I would have given it 4 stars for being a nifty demo.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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2 of 6 comments
  • Dave Derrick Dave Derrick on Apr 30, 2012

    What a rip! The reviewer pays for the app??? I always submit free versions of my apps to reviewers.

  • Bill Bill on Sep 07, 2012

    using the camera makes it more fun.

    there is an android app i like (and the kids like even more) that keeps it simple - a couple of shotguns and a glock. basic is best.

    it does have night sights (for lowlight) and can sense if you are leading the target (i.e. birds) with shot placement. the kids like to do "quickdraw" cause you can save the images to see who hit where first.

    sounds like a commercial. sorry.
