FAMAS Spotted in Papua New Guinea

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

There is nothing quite like a military coup to bring dusty rifles from the depths of secret armories and into the light of day. The attempted coup in support of one of the pretenders to the Prime Ministership of Papua New Guinea ended just days after is began. The mutineers, about 30 soldiers led by a retired Colonel, symbolically handed in their weapons in surrender (they were subsequently pardoned and their weapons returned). What is interesting is that some of the mutineers appeared to have been armed with French FAMAS rifles.

FAMAS rifles surrendered by rebels.

A reader emailed me with a couple of theories of how they might have acquired these rifles …

There are two possibilities. PNG forces use the M16A2 and FN FAL, so they probably got the FAMAS rifles from Vanuatu a relatively nearby french colony, who got 350 of them in 1994. In 2006 they did peacekeeping missions together and in the 1980′s PNG forces fought against rebels there. So that must of been their illegal weapons connection and source. The FAMAS F1 rifles few in number and not very reliable, could have been put in storage and improperly secured. (Vanuatu military forces 3000 in number would have chosen to continue using their SLR/FN FALs donated to them by Australia.

Another possibility is they got them from the Indonesian special forces, who according to wiki, have bought the FAMAS before but aren’t known to use them. There was suspicion that the coup had Indonesian support not only due to Indonesia having a history of interfering with PNG, but also because the retired colonel who led the coup had just come back from a 6 month embed with the Indonesian military.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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  • Seth Seth on Feb 08, 2012

    You can shoot brass cased ammo with FAMAS F1 you just need QUALITY brass ammo not the very cheap stuff that was bought. Since then the problem was resolve by NOT BUYING CRAPPY AMMO. But since it was a kick back deal with UAE (you bought our systems we buy ammo from you) it was largely swept under the rug.
    Now the french military use ammo coming from Israel/Germany/Italy and don't have anymore issues.

    It's true that most of the them fire only 55g (only some can fire both, not only the G2 it's depend when they got new barrel as part of their routine maintenance). But since the M193 is both cheap and widely available is not a problem.

    Plus the 62g update was to compensate the poor performance of the M-4 short barrel, the FAMAS having a long barrel doesn't have the issue 62g ammo is supposed to fix...

  • Shug Shug on May 11, 2012

    I've heard about the F90 from Australia a couple of times now, has anyone seen it yet? I also hear some Aussie infantry folks want the M4 instead! Well they are welcome to any of the ones our president gave me over the years. Pictures please.
