Magnum Research IWI "Classic" Desert Eagle

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

Since 2009 all Desert Eagles have been produced in Magnum Research’s Pillager, Minn. facility. Magnum Research / Kahr will be selling a limited edition of the Desert Eagle featuring original (“classic”) parts made by IWI in Israel. These pistols will have the original two-piece barrel and claw-type safety.

From the press release …

Both models are gas-operated, rotating bolt semiautomatic pistols constructed from a high quality carbon steel barrel, frame and slide. Both have a 6” barrel length and 10.75” overall length with 6.25” height and 1.25” slide width. These pistols have a trigger reach of 2.75” and approximately a 4lb. trigger pull with fixed combat type sights and an 8.5” sight radius. The .50 AE model, the DE50W, has a .495” bore diameter, polygonal rifling with 1:19 right hand twist and 7 round magazine capacity. The .44 Magnum model, the DE44W, has a .492” bore diameter, polygonal rifling with 1:18 right hand twist and 8 round magazine capacity. Barrels between the .44 Magnum and .50AE are interchangeable.

Mark XIX Desert Eagle Pistols and parts produced in the USA and Israel are completely interchangeable on either gun.

My guess: someone at IWI found a crate of spare parts and shipped them to Kahr 🙂

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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  • Howlingcoyote Howlingcoyote on Aug 13, 2011

    What do these cost? $1500 or so?
    How about chambering them in 475 Wildey and 45 Win. Mag.?
    And really, Magnum Research come out with a RIFLE version! This would be a great deer, hog, antelope gun!

  • Andy from West Haven Andy from West Haven on Aug 15, 2011

    @howlingcoyote, I agree. Semi-auto pistols should be chambered in semi-auto pistol cartridges. As huge a fan as I am of the .44 magnum I would buy a .45 Winmag DE over a .44 mag. No issues with designing mags around a rimmed cartridge.

    But the fact remains, the .357 and .44 mag are easy to buy at gun stores due to being successful and around for decades. .45 Winmag and .475 Wildey is not easy to find at all. Perhaps a small run per year in .45 Winmag might not be out of the question. Maybe 50-100 pistols. I'd be down for one.

    But if anyone offers a semi-auto magnum like the .475 Wildey or the .44 AMP they need to nail down someone to offer up some loads. A pistol that requires you to load your own and you can probably count on one hand how many people will buy it. At least with .45 Winmag you can coax your local gunshop to order you some. There aren't a ton of options but there are some at least.
