Fiocchi Canned Heat: Long Term Ammunition Storage For the Survivalist

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

Fiocchi’s new line of Canned Heat ammunition has been designed for long term storage. The ammunition is sealed in metal cans that are nitrogen gas hermetically sealed and are packed with desiccants to prevent rust, deterioration, and moisture.

The Canned Heat line will include rimfire, rifle, pistol and shotgun ammunition.

.22 LR (100 or 300 round can in 40 gr. Copper Plated Solid Point) is the only rimfire cartridge offered in a can.

The rifle ammunition line currently consists of .223 Remington (30 round can in both the 55 gr FMJBT and 62 gr FMJBT) and .308 Win (20 round can in 150 gr FMJBT).

The pistol line includes 9mm (100 round can in 115 gr FMJ, 124 gr FMJBT, and 147 gr FMJ), .40 S&W (100 round can in 170 gr FMJTC and 180 gr FMJFN) and .45 ACP (50 round can in 230 gr FMJ).

The Canned Heat Cyalume shotgun ammunition is something special. These 12 Gauge 3/4 oz #8 shot loads include a chemical tracer made by Cyalume. Cyalume manufactures chemical light sticks. The tracer is simply a short light stick that is activated when the round is fired. Unlike conventional tracers it poses no fire hazard. The technology was jointly developed by Cyalume, Fiocchi, General Dynamics and Rheinmetall Defence.

Chemical Tracers in action

Unlike the rifle, pistol and rimfire Canned Heat ammunition, the Cyalume shotgun tracers are not in a can for long term storage, but because the glow stick tracers are light sensitive.

Each can contains 10 rounds of tracers.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

More by Steve Johnson

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2 of 28 comments
  • RattlerBob57 RattlerBob57 on Jun 29, 2011

    I like the idea of pre-preserved ammo, providing it doesn't breakt my bank account. The glow in the dark could be useful in many situations, such as training purposes such as learning to lead a moving target, and marking an enemy positiion. If the preserved ammo holds up to years of storage it would be a very nice thing to have.

  • Jim Johnson Jim Johnson on Jan 20, 2012

    What is the story on the Fiocchi Canned Heat Cyalume in 12 ga # 8? I canoot find it anywhere. Do you know where I might get some?

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