New Brit Sharpshooter Rifle is "Hoofing"

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

I have no idea what hoofing means, but it is apparently what the British Army’s new AR-10 style L129A1 is, as described by Commando Sergeant Baz Evans in a UK Ministry of Defense Press Release (via. Kit Up blog ) …

“I have fired over 1,000 rounds on the rifle in training; accurately hitting targets over 800 metres away. The new Sharpshooter rifle provides quick and accurate fire, with the flexibility of using it in the assault rifle role as well. It’s hoofing.”

Lewis Machine and Tool who manufacture the rifle had it prominently displayed at SHOT Show.

This lady was kind enough to pose with the rifle!
Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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  • Dave Dave on Dec 05, 2011


    Do you know if the HK417s in use with the British SAS have a stepped up bolt face, fluted chamber and adjustable gas regulator? There are over 20 different builds of the HK417 and I was just curious if the HK417s in use with the SAS have any similarities to the US standard production version.

    • Dan Dan on Jul 14, 2013

      @Dave in most cases, if it's a rifle, the SAS use it, standard issue for the SAS is officially m16a1/m4a3 with sig p226 as a side arm unless ofcourse they have done a sniper course or it's a more "specialist" op.

  • Cahal Mcgirr Cahal Mcgirr on Jul 06, 2012


    used by bootnecks or matelots, to define various situations when one word will suffice and those around will know what context the word is used in. A typical multi-tasked word!!! Hoofing - great, brilliant, good, amazing, (sarcastic).
