Bushmaster AGL (Adaptive Grenade Launcher)

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson
Bushmaster AGL
Ammo for the Bushmaster grenade launchers
I would NOT want to be hit by these rounds.
Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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  • Crabula Crabula on Jan 21, 2010

    Sounds like this is Bushmasters new "ASP" or "ADAPTIVE SALES PITCH". Hopefully Bushmaster doesn't think that their products will automatically sell as soon as they give them a three letter acronym starting with the word adaptive.

    My guess would be that the copius use of rails makes it "adaptive" or something like that.

    Two things seem really odd to me. First of all, it looks to me like there is hardly anything actually securing the barrell to the rest of the mechanism though that could just be the angle that the picture was shot at. Second of all, I see a lot of big gaps and empty space that just seem to make the whole thing un-necessarily bulky. Until I get more information on this thing it just does not appear to be that well thought out and I don't really see anything revolutionary or amazing about it.

    Also, why is it that designers have this obsession with putting a collapsible M4 stock on absolutely everything? Unless there is a frickin buffer and a recoil spring in there I don't see anything wrong with going with a proprietary design.

  • Cymond Cymond on Jan 22, 2010

    Crabula, re the M4 buttstock: some don't believe in reinventing the wheel. It also gives the end user the option to change the stock to fit their preference. A telescoping buttstock has numerous advantages not worth discussing at the moment. However, I do think they should mount that buttstock on a hinge to let it fold too. (Now that I look again, it might be on a hinge).

    El Duderino, I can guarantee that it isn't 37mm. If a 37mm launcher is ever paired with anti-personnel ammo then it becomes a Destructive Device just like a 40mm. Even non-lethal bean bag rounds would classify a 37mm as a DD. The whole point of 37mm is that they don't require registration as DDs. That's why you only see smoke and flairs and confetti ammo for 37mm launchers.
