Charter Arms Rimless Revolver update

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

Readers have been asking me what is happening with the much talked about Charter Arms Rimless Revolver that keeps failing to make an appearance.

Charter Arms have issued a press released saying that they are manufacturing at capacity and cannot produce enough of their existing guns and will not introduce another gun until demand dies down.

Let’s be clear about what Charter Arms wanted to do initially. Needless to say, not producing the CARR this was NOT the plan when we first announced the new revolver. The 2008 election created this panic. Had the election results been different, firearm and ammunition demand and sales would not have exploded, and the new Charter Arms CARR revolvers would be in stores right now.

Bottom line, the CARR is not vaporware, there is simply no room in Charter Arm’s production line for new items. Additionally, Charter has several other new guns and models in addition to the CARR series, and those guns we won’t even discuss until things get back to normal.

I am not sure to be skeptical or not. The pistol was supposed to be on display at SHOT Show earlier this year. After SHOT the excuse given was patent problems. It was supposed to be on display at the NRA show, but again it was a no-show. They have since pulled all links on their website pointing to the Rimless Revolver page. Maybe they are legitimately worried about production, but refusing to even discuss the pistol seems like bad public relations to me.

Full press release is at

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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2 of 10 comments
  • Marv Marv on Sep 29, 2010

    I for one would like to buy the 9mm and the .45 preferably in a 4"barrel.
    I have been awaiting these for a long time now.

  • Marv Marv on Sep 29, 2010

    Chuckster, I tried inserting 9mm round in a 38 revolver on your suggestion, it can't be done 5/16"of the case sticks outside the clylinder.I think the forcing cone comes into play.Nice idea though about the wire for making do with what is available. I wish the guy who makes those plastic rimz for my S&W 45ACP revolver would make something for the Taurus 5 shot 9mm.Taurus still sells the Taurus 9mm snubbie but moonclips are a pain unless you load a bunch .Typically I load all the RIMZ I have so I have 84 shots of 45ACP .
    The price is right on the Taurus and the stellar moon clips are available.Maybe that's the way to go.It's been at least 2 years since Charter announced the 40acp to be followed by a .45acp and 9mm .The Taurus is available in SS which I preffer since I live in Florida

