Marlin 1895 Guide Gun Photos

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

Steve, who blogs at Glocked and Loaded, emailed me some photos of his fathers Marlin 1895 .45-70 Guide Gun. I want!

Click to expand photos.

Thanks Steve.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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  • Melody Melody on Jan 03, 2011

    can anyone tell me the model number of a MARLIN 22 Mag stainless steel singel shot 20" barrel?

  • Bob Bob on Jan 27, 2011

    balouchon 28 Jun 2009 at 5:00 pm link comment

    "i have a 30-30 rifle. i think it was my dads. i have a few bullets . which are i think atleast thirty years old but were stored in a cuboard since atleast thirty years.the rifle hasent been fired since thirty years but has been mantained and cleaned continously.
    i want to know will the gun and the bullets work."

    My brother inherited my Granddad's octagon-barreled Marlin 30-30 in 1985. The gun was bought in the 1920's, along with 3 boxes of ammunition. My Granddad never hunted or, I think, even fired the gun. He mostly carried it in his delivery van for protection. (He traveled all over rural Illinois, which was sometimes a lawless place in the 20's and 30's.)

    After checking the action, barrel and lubrication, we went out to the back 40, set up a 5-gallon bucket at 100 yards, popped the 60-year old cartridges in, and proceeded to drill the bucket every shot. There was some kind of corrosion on the lead noses of the soft-nosed bullets which we wiped off before loading. (It was a light-colored powdery stuff that was easily dislodged.) Other than that, no problems. The shots were very consistent.

    When we ran some modern ammo through it, the kick and noise were noticeably greater.

    If you do shoot the old ammo, be on the lookout for a "squib load" -- i.e., a partial ignition shot that leaves the bullet in the barrel. It will sound different and of course, no bullet will leave the gun. Fire at something (a dirt bank, say) where you can see the rounds hit. Under no circumstances, fire another shot until you check the barrel for obstructions -- you can blow up the gun if you fire a round with a stuck bullet down the barrel.
