2A Musing's gun lust list

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

2A Musing has posted a list of what guns he wants and what gun he couldn’t care less about. Personally I lust over most of this couldn’t-care-less list.

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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  • Dock Dock on Dec 20, 2008

    I made the freakin' FIREARM BLOG? One of my favorite "must-read" blogs? Oh that's too cool. I have read every post here. I went all the way back. It's so refreshing to see just... hardware. Great idea.

    I'm sure that my lists seem petty (and, to some extent... they are) but it was more of a "what the heck, this is on my mind, I'll write it down, why not" deal.

    The "lust list" got so long that it was sort of embarrassing... so I decided to counterpoint it with firearms that I didn't quite cotton to, for whatever reason. Afterward I thought "well that might be a big mistake hoss" but I wouldn't slag on someone for owning them.

    For what it's worth, neither list is comprehensive... I didn't mention the .455 Webley or the SR9 or... so many others I dig. Or stuff I'll never shoot again like the CZ-52 (handing it to your friend and having it KB in his hands... unforgettable!)

    Anyway... thank man.

  • Jdun1911 Jdun1911 on Dec 20, 2008

    While I disagree with some of the stuff on the list, the Sig Mosquito and Walthers P22 are no no. Both guns are made out of pot metal. The slide will break in half after certain round count (low).

    Browning or Ruger .22lr pistols are the best. They are build to last.
