Paraguay army using Chinese M4 clone (CQ 5.56)

Steve Johnson
by Steve Johnson

Paraguay has apparently bought the relatively new Norinco CQ 5.56, M4A1 clones.

The caption of the above photo, translated from Spanish:

Soldiers of the Joint Detachment of Empleo Inmediato (DECEI) marching past with carbines Norinco CQ-M4 of 5.56 mm Are copies of Colt M-4A1 made in China and equipped with viewfinders of not known model. The DECEI depends on the Commando of Special Troops of the Army.

According to Wikipedia:

This variant introduced in the year 2006 in several Defense expos worldwide, including the MILIPOL, is a copy of the American M4A1 assault carbine. It features a telescoping stock, a removable carrying handle mounted on a Picatinny rail, and a 368,3 millimetres (14,5 inches) barrel. The CQ Type A carbine variant is claimed to be able to stabilize both M193 “Ball” and SS-109/M-885 variants of the 5.56 mm cartridge, as would be expected from a rifle with a 1:9 barrel rifling twist. It will quickly accept the installation of grenade launchers due to the quick attachment/detachment handguard design and to the step-cut barrel.

H/T: china police @

Steve Johnson
Steve Johnson

I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!

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2 of 13 comments
  • Jose Teixid Jose Teixid on Aug 12, 2010

    Aw an BTW the DECEI depends of the 1st Btn of Special Forces, CIMOE (Command of Instruction of Special Operations) based in Cerrito, Chaco Paraguayo. I sknow since I was stationed there tho it wasn't called DECEI at the time.

  • Gerardo Alvarenga Gerardo Alvarenga on Sep 06, 2010

    The M-16A2 in use by the Paraguayan Army are not Norinco, they are developed and manufactured by the Combined Service Forces of ROC Army in Taiwan
