Eley Ammo Rebranded
Eley have rebranded most of their .22 ammo and introduced a new produce called Team, an improved version of Club.
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I think the branding was a good idea. The boxes look like and the names are better. For example “Tenex” is better than “Tenex Ultimate EPS”.
The press release
ELEY is proud to announce with effect from 1st January 2008, the new re-branded product range, which features a rationalized product choice and introduces “Team” a new .22 calibre cartridge.
The re-branded product range, coincides with Eley’s 180th year of manufacturing high quality ammunition and will strengthen the company’s position in the worldwide market place. All the ELEY products have been re-branded with a new design but the product colours will remain the same to ensure customers can clearly indentify their chosen ammunition.
Changes to product range:
The premium products, Tenex and Match, remain unchanged, apart from dropping the terms Ultimate and EPS from the name. These products feature the well known flat bullet profile, but are also available in round nose versions (Tenex Pistol and Match OSP) which are ideal for semi-automatic rifles.
The introduction of the new blue labeled “Team” product is an improved version of the Club ammunition using the same flat nose bullet as used for Tenex and Match. We believe this product will allow club shooters to use a quality of ammunition closer to that used by championship shooters, but at a much lower cost and therefore giving them the edge over what they are currently using with existing Club ammunition. This product will be available only in limited quantities!
The popular Club product will remain unchanged apart from the re-branded label. Target Rifle and Standard have been replaced by a new improved product launched as “Sport” and packaged with a new green label.
Managing Director Mike Semens-Flanagan commented:
“Eley strongly believe these changes will not only help to consolidate our position in the market but also give customers shooting with our ammunition a better product and clearer choice.”
More info at Eley.com
I founded TFB in 2007 and over 10 years worked tirelessly, with the help of my team, to build it up into the largest gun blog online. I retired as Editor in Chief in 2017. During my decade at TFB I was fortunate to work with the most amazing talented writers and genuinely good people!
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i have tried the new branded 22lr ammo to day under ideal conditions and have come away from the range very diapointed the new subsonic hollow which i am led to believe replaces ELEYsubsonic hollow xtra plus would barely do one inch where the ELEY( shxp) were going in to same hole shot after shot i have 2.000 ELEY subsonic hollow xtra left dont know where i will go when they have been used any help out there would be most gratefull S.MCHALE, GOOD SHOOTING EVERY BODY OUT THERE