Tag: weapons

A-10 Close Call

30mm rounds from an A-10 land close to British troops in Afghanistan. That cannon sure makes a cool sound, I can see how the whole “Show of Force” thing would work. The sound would be enough to make me run. I would not like to be on its receiving end! The [Read More…]

Mossberg / Taser X12 Shotgun

Mossberg and Taser have teamed up to produce the X12 23 guage shotgun that can only accept non lethal rounds such as the TASER XREP (Extended Range Electronic Projectile), a wireless taser like projectile that fires from a 12-gauge shotgun. I think a regular shotgun [Read More…]

Tiny guns

This site showcases some very small firearms. .38 caliber, the brass padlock alarm gun .22 rimfire pipe gun This one is truly bizarre! I guess it is some sort of ‘self defense hook’! I don’t know the caliber or how it was supposed to work. LibertyNews [Read More…]

Taser party

Sounds like a good idea! “I got tired of being pushed out of people’s offices,” she says. “Nobody wants to purchase a product that they think is lethal or going to kill somebody.” A lot of people, especially women, need time to get [Read More…]

Economist on UK sword ban

The Economist.com has a short article about the banning of swords in the UK. Or, more specifically, making swords illegal to sell or import. EVERY summer, in the Cambridge suburb of Romsey Town, a man emerges from his house dressed from head to foot in black and [Read More…]