Tag: misc

Suroosh on Pakistan

Suroosh Alvi, founder of Vice.com/VBS.tv and the journalist who produced the excellent documentary about the gun markets of Pakistan, has produced a series of videos about Pakistan post-Bin Laden. It has nothing to do with guns (or politics), but I thought was worth [Read More…]

Amazon Avenger

My friend, fellow 2A & Gun Blogger and TFB guest author M. J. Mollenhour has published his second novel, Amazon Avenger. I thoroughly enjoyed his first book and am busy making my way through, and enjoying, his latest. I have send may rounds down range in [Read More…]

How Sebastian became a gunnie

Sebastian blogs on how he became a gunnie … A few months later he informed me there was a sale on Romanian AK-47 clones on sale at a local gun store near him. I was surprised this was legal, since I was aware of the Assault Weapons Ban, so I started researching, [Read More…]

We won!

Although I have not been officially notified yet, I saw on the website that The Firearm Blog won the “Best Gun Blog – News” category of the Gunnies. Thanks much to everyone who voted. I will be sure to post a photo of the replica 30mm shell trophy. [Read More…]

RIP Philip Luty

Philip A Luty passed away on April 8, 2011 after a two year struggle against cancer. He was a prolific designer of homemade firearms and published many plans for homemade pistols and machine guns. A citizen and resident of the UK, he was sentenced to five years in [Read More…]