Tag: an-94

The AK-107 Balanced-Action Rifle In Slow Motion – Larry Vickers’ Moscow Trip

There’s very little that has truly been new in the way of firearms mechanisms in the past century. Materials and ammunition design have improved steadily, but the great bulk of firearms mechanisms in use today were designed in the early part of the 20th Century or [Read More…]

The AN-94 Assault Rifle

The Izhevsk Shooting Club has produced a high quality seven part video series on the disassembly and reassembly of the AN-94 rifle. Unfortunately it is all in Russian, but most TFB readers will be able to follow what is being explained the first four parts of the [Read More…]

Nikonov’s AN-94 Abakan Rifle

Shooting Illustrated has published a detailed account of the fascinating AN-94 “Abakan” rifle. In 1993, a mysterious rifle appeared at an arms display at the elite Taman Guards Division outside Moscow. The strange new rifle was labeled “ASN”—a Russian [Read More…]