Limted Edition BFSIII Binary Straight Trigger

    Image processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2013-04-10 21:03:53Z | | &

    Franklin Armory just announced a limited edition version of their popular BFSIII binary trigger. The AR-S1 will be available on Black Friday.

    Here is their original AR-C1 trigger for comparison.


    No price is listed. So I suspect they will be similary priced as their AR-C1 with retails for $429.99. There is a small note at the bottom of their press release “Orders will ship in 5+ Weeks from Order Date”

    I am not sure why such a long delay in shipping out these limited edition triggers. You won’t even get it in time for Christmas.

    I have been playing with a BFSIII and find them to be a lot of fun.



    Now that they have a straight trigger, I may have to get one as I prefer straight trigger bows in my guns.

    Check out Franklin Armory’s website for the countdown to when these straight Binary Triggers are released.
