Night of the Saint: Springfield Armory’s New Competition Show

    Night of the Saint

    Springfield Armory launched a new rifle recently: the Saint. Frankly, I did not expect to be interested in the Saint, as I initially saw it as “just another AR.” However, the more I looked at the rifle, the more I liked it. It seemed to be a well thought out design, and heck – more guns not fewer works for me. It further mainstreams the AR platform and competition in the marketplace is always a good thing.

    Now the company is producing an online program called Night of the Saint. As you might imagine, the YouTube series features the Saint rifle. But, it seems to be just a bit more than that.

    As the Saint helps to further mainstream the rifle platform, the Night of the Saint shows shooters of the gun as normal people. Well, perhaps extraordinary people that just could be any of our neighbors.

    The program features six women of varying backgrounds that share an adventurous spirit. The show is designed like a reality/competition style show, but without the trumped up drama that one typically finds in those kinds of shows.

    The program includes the women getting range training, and it also includes a lot of physical fitness. The program looks interesting. Take a look and share your thoughts in the comments below.

    Richard Johnson

    An advocate of gun proliferation zones, Richard is a long time shooter, former cop and internet entrepreneur. Among the many places he calls home is
