The Patriot Pin for California

    Stupid gun laws develop new solutions, and there seems to be no limits on either.

    The Patriot Pin is for AR15s, and to make them compliant to new laws in some US States.

    I don’t know how to define this invention if to call it stupid or clever?

    I guess you do what you have to do, to adapt to new rules and legislation. Gun owners are typically about as law-abiding as a citizen can get.

    From the Patriot Pin homepage:

    Because some state laws require the gun be “disassembled”, before the magazine can be loaded from the top or to remove the magazine, the Patriot-Pin makes it extremely fast and easy to do that.

    With your hand firmly on the pistol grip, simply extend your thumb to the end of the arm and “push” it in.

    You’ll feel the arm stop at just the right spot allowing you to then open your gun so that you have access to the magazine or the magazine lock “button”.

    A picture of the Patriot Pin in R&D, before anodizing.

    The finished product looks pretty good, and blends in.

    Hundreds of hours of research and development have gone into making the Patriot-Pin, from every angle, edge, and surface and is proudly 100% made and engineered in the USA.

    One hundred hours is about 2.5 working weeks. Of course there’s no definition on how many hundreds of those that went into the R&D, but I figure that a price of 99 USD for this kind of product is expensive.

    Don’t let the price scare you, some of that R&D money went into a rather cool webpage which also explains the function of the Patriot Pin way better than I can with words.

    Have a look and tell us what you think in the Comments section below, I look forward to that more than ever.

    Patriot Pin Homepage

    Eric B

    Ex-Arctic Ranger. Competitive practical shooter and hunter with a European focus. Always ready to increase my collection of modern semi-automatics, optics, thermals and suppressors. TCCC Certified. Occasionaly seen in a 6×6 Bug Out Vehicle, always with a big smile.
